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Kabocha Squash and Goat Cheese Quiche


Homemade quiche with Fall Flavors – Kabocha Squash is roasted then blended with the filling ingredients for a gorgeous orange hue and velvety texture- topped with Roasted Eggplant. Make with my perfect Gluten- Free Flaky Crust.

A wedge of quiche with chunks of goat cheese inside a velvety squash custard - eggplant is baked on top

As the weather gets cooler, a wedge of homemade quiche is satisfying and filling, yet somehow fills you up with natural goodness. I made a gluten-free crust (use a standard recipe if desired) which comes out flaky and delicious – tastes like the real stuff! I have added hemp seeds which I love, and a bit of coconut oil for health benefits and a well rounded flavor.

Kabocha squash is a wonderful, local gourd which is perfect for a quiche! The interior color is a very vivid orange, and the flesh is somewhat dry – which pairs well with the custard filling, without any soggy results.
Kabocha has an exceptional naturally sweet flavor, even sweeter in taste than butternut squash. It resembles a squat pumpkin and it’s skin is deep green in color. Many say it tastes between a sweet potato and a pumpkin. Recent research has made it clear just how important winter squash is to antioxidant intake, especially so in the case of carotenoid antioxidants. This squash is also an excellent source of vitamin A, and a good source of anti-inflammatory omega-3s.

At my local farmers’ market I was excited to spot organic “fairytale” eggplant. I have halved them, roasted them, and placed them on top of the custard filling before baking the quiche. They lend a nice warm, earthy flavor.

The quiche has some aged gouda on the bottom, adding a nutty flavor. Knobs of goat cheese stay suspended in the filling, and it’s sharp taste sets off the sweetness of the squash. A hint of sage lends a finishing piney flavor.

Quiche – a beautiful, savory pie is so versatile, can be eaten for a mid-day snack, brunch, lunch or a dinner entrée.

Enjoy the flavors of fall,

Organic "fairytale" eggplant are simply roasted, and placed on top of the quiche before baking

Ingredients for the custard - Kambocha squash is blended into the filling for it's rich color

The quiche dough is nicely marbled with butter for a flaky crust

So satisfying to indulge in the first piece!

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